Tuesday, July 29, 2008

After forcing by my friend, so i write something here. Last time, i got plenty plenty things want to write it out and share with friend. But whenever got the blog, just dunno wat to write. SWT
=.=" ok, well, i think tis blog will become my dairy and i would like to share some interesting things in my life (if got).

Well today is 29th of july, is my second day in my brand new college. THONEH.. quite a funny name., stand for Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital.. just feel nothing new here, coz b4 got study in another college b4, and i noe normally hows the college look like.

Altough I already leave nirwana only for 2 days, but then i really feel i miss some friend there. Altough we just met for few months, probably few weeks, but we are really close.. go for movie, go stay overnight together, and go for badminton. But now all gonna go oversea for study, so we have less opportunity to met.. Haiz, all gonna become future doctor, maybe they all will forget me next time. So by here i hope all of them good luck in thier study!

I feel like i am writting an essay for secondary school, hahaha, maybe i not get use to it.

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